Sage & Palo set - Little Quartz Co Crystals
Little Quartz Co Crystals

Sage & Palo set

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Sage to clear the negative energy

Palo Santo to invite the good energy in.

The act of cleansing and smudging has been used by many cultures and dates back thousands of years. This ancient ritual can be found throughout folklore and we continue to use it today, on ourselves and in our homes. By using woods, herbs and crystals we are able to cleanse, protect and reset.

A new or full moon with its powerful new energy is the perfect time to action this little ritual, however you can utilise its purpose when in need of moving  energy that no longer serves you and assists raises your energy vibration. 

Light the end, let it burn for a little bit then blow it out to get the smoke going. Wave the smoke over yourself, the area chosen and crystals .